Factors Affecting the Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction of Bankers: A Study of a Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh


  • M. M. Baset Oli Mishkat East West University


Job satisfaction, Private bank and Factor analysis


Human resource is the only competitive tool that can be protected from imitation by competitors. Highly satisfied employees contribute in acquiring competitive advantage. Contribution Factor and Return Factor explain the satisfaction level of a banker. Not only compensation package (Return Factor) but also good-to-work surroundings (Contribution Factor) can increase the satisfaction level of an employee. Employers must consider the two factors to create a pleasant working environment which will result in a bunch of satisfied and motivated employees who can become the source of competitive advantage for the organization.




How to Cite

Mishkat , M. M. B. O. . (2018). Factors Affecting the Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction of Bankers: A Study of a Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh. EAST WEST JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND SOCIAL STUDIES, 65–76. Retrieved from https://ojs.rsi-lab.com/index.php/ewjbss/article/view/105